Ida Lewis Yacht Club kicked off the 2020 Shields Wednesday Night Series last night with a great number of boats and a beautiful night of racing. What was forecasted to be a partly to mostly cloudy night went away as Newport delivered an amazing evening. With clear skies and a steady 12 knots of breeze, the fleet set sailed down to the start line just south of Rose Island. The course was set up for Hammersmith and down, twice around. Off the start, most of the fleet sailed to the left side, hugging the shore of Fort Adams and playing the shifts off the land. This was the winning side on the first beat as the top boats at the windward mark came from the left except for one that came from the far right. On the first run, the wind started to slowly drop off. There was mild boat traffic with a couple of schooners and a super yacht which made for some obstacles, but if anything it was nice to see more and more action on the bay.

The second upwind mixed up the fleet as some boats split right making for huge gains. More than half the fleet still continued playing the left side, working off the lefties coming off the point nearing Hammersmith. There was a slight separation between the top couple boats and the rest of the fleet ,which was pretty compacted, making the last run exciting for many passing opportunities. When the fleet finished the one and only race of the evening, they all sailed in and got off the water before sundown. Normally, everyone goes to Ida Lewis for a post race Lobster Roll and a debrief, but things this summer are a bit different. Luckily though, everyone was still able to race together and have a great night out on the water showing off the summer of shield sailing!

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