Aloha Spring Preliminary Results (protests pending)

SailNo R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total Nett
232 1 (5) 4 2 2 14 9
181 (12 DNC) 12 DNC 1 1 1 27 15
245 5 1 6 (9 DNF) 6 27 18
17 7 3 (9 OCS) 4 4 27 18
203 6 (7) 5 5 3 26 19
224 (12 DNC) 12 DNC 3 3 5 35 23
138 3 2 (11 DNC) 11 DNC 10 DNC 37 26
217 2 4 (11 DNC) 11 DNC 10 DNC 38 27
107 (12 DNC) 12 DNC 2 6 7 39 27
143 4 6 (11 DNC) 11 DNC 10 DNC 42 31
15 9 9 7 9 DNF (10 DNC) 44 34
33 8 8 (11 DNC) 11 DNC 10 DNC 48 37

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