Welcome to the 2008 season! We have some new features on the site that I’d like to review. Obviously you have found the blog. This will be the primary place for regular posting of the race results, race reports, and special fleet announcements. We also expect anything that is posted here will also be included in the weekly emails. If you have not signed up for the emails, please follow this link, and when you receive the first email, please follow the instructions at the top of the email to Confirm your address.
The site also has a new event calendar, this we hope to be a great resource for the Fleet and racing on the bay in general. Every Wednesday race, with RC and report assignments, are already posted. All the weekend regattas that have a shields start are also included. If you would like to add something, email us.
What we hope to become an exciting part of the site will be the photo gallery. We have all the same shots up from last season, but a new format so everyone in the fleet can upload some new shots of your own. If you have RC duty or are out chasing the fleet on your tender, grab some shots and compete with Onne for the eyes of the fleet! Just click the Upload link on the bottom of the page and follow the instructions, we’ll take care of everything else.
Lastly, every post in the blog will allow for comments and discussion. We hope to see some debate and conversation about race strategies, rules scenarios, and maybe some friendly hazing.
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