SailNo R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 217 1 1 (3) 1 3
2 74 4 3 (13) 3 10
3 108 2 7 2 (10) 11
4 17 6 (12) 4 2 12
5 181 7 6 (9) 5 18
6 254 (13) 8 1 11 20
7 138 3 (14) 6 12 21
8 107 (12) 4 10 7 21
9 232 5 5 12 (15) 22
10 226 8 (16) 7 8 23
11 143 (15) 9 11 4 24
12 224 11 2 17 (19) 30
13 222 (16 DNC) 16 DNC 5 9 30
14 245 10 10 (16) 16 36
15 33 16 DNC 16 DNC (21) 6 38
16 21 (16 DNC) 16 DNC 8 14 38
17 163 14 15 15 (23) 44
18 166 9 13 (23 DNC) 23 DNC 45
19 203 16 DNC 16 DNC (20) 13 45
20 258 16 DNC 16 DNC 14 (18) 46
21 253 (16 DNC) 16 DNC 16 OOD 16 OOD 48
22 101 16 DNC 16 DNC (19) 17 49
23 15 16 11 (23 DNC) 23 DNC 50
24 200 16 DNC 16 DNC 18 (20) 50
25 1 16 DNC 16 DNC (23) 22 54
26 14 21 OOD 21 OOD (22) 21 63

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