May 12, Race 1: The Drifter
Course: Start near Z-1-Pin-1 (changed to 2)
Cold, wet, and light was the forecast for Opening Day, 2010. We got the cold and light part when we cast off our mooring, but fortunately the rain held off. At sunset, we were even treated to a stellar light show, but there was a rather long race before that…a race that most Fleet 9 sailors would rather had never happened.
Aboard Grace, 107, Ted Hood, Rachel Balaban, and co-skipper Reed Baer made up the evening’s crew. Our foredeck ace, Dr. Peter Schott, was being honored in Providence by Governor Carcieri for years of pro bono dentistry, and spin trimmer/strategician Matthew Buechner had vacated the island to practice his kitesurfing skills in St. John.
Nineteen Shields arrived at the Fleet 9 starting line set near the Jamestown Boatyard by Dr. Robin Wallace and crew. Breeze was light southeasterly, and the tide was in the second half of the flood.
The wind was trending right before the start, so we started a little way down from the boat and held starboard, liking our position but not feeling too special about our speed. (Anyone else feel rusty, too?) The wind was very spotty, and for a while, those of us going left looked famous-Charlie Shoemaker (245), Andy Burton (201), and Wendy Lotz (138) were to leeward.
Unfortunately, we ran out of breeze toward Rose Island and the right side began to win big. Number 74 (Bill Shore and Nicole Alio) came out of that corner ahead of the fleet, despite having had to restart. Others in the vanguard from right and right center included Jamie Hilton (217) and Jay Gowell (232). We fought back from the left, rounded the first mark in about 12th or 14th, but jibed immediately and soon moved into 10th.
Downwind was all port tack, still very spotty, and with the current sweeping us north. Yet approaching the leeward mark, we experienced some southbound countercurrent, so after rounding behind Stubby (59), we held port tack up toward Clingstone. Stubby tacked to starboard, following the leaders across the north-bound current, but we followed the ripples and made a few tacks toward the first bell buoy, while slowly being overhauled by 138 and 201.
With the righthand shift in the breeze, the finish mark had been changed from 1 (the race mark by Rose Island) to 2 (red nun by the Fort). To make a long story short, the breeze died almost completely and what little there was shifted to the south and it took about an hour to sail the leg. Those of us who entered the current later and closer to Clingstone had less current velocity to contend with and were able to sail to the finish without tacking, sometimes even beam reaching. Not that there was much wind…max pressure might’ve been .75 kts! And we didn’t see a ripple on the water until almost at the Fort.
For a while, 226 and 138 looked strong to leeward of us, and then 201 poked ahead to windward. But with Ted adjusting the jib every 5 seconds, we somehow poked in front at the right time, extended 10 boatlengths, and drifted across the line in first, about 10 minutes before the two-hour time limit expired.
Wendy Lotz, in 138, was next, then Andy Burton in 201, finishing under spinnaker. Stubby (59) finished fourth. As Jay Gowell (232) approached the line, having rounded the leeward mark second and having sailed a great circle route to get to the finish, the time limit expired. He was less than two lengths from the nun.
I know Wendy and Andy will agree with me when I suggest that the principle lesson of Race 1 in 2010 is to go left on the first beat in these conditions, even though it’s faster to go right.
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Let the Games Begin!!
The 2010 season is officially open. Online registration is up and running, and we’ve added an online credit card payment option as well, no excuses now… Please head to the registration page and get things underway. We have our opening party scheduled for Wednesday, April 28- THAT’S NEXT WEEK!!!- which means registration is due by the following week, and racing starts the week after that…
Yeah, me too… better take the cover off and see who’s been living in the boat during all this rain.
Fleet registration rates are the same, the fleet books are clean and ready for an action packed social calendar. Please take note of some of our generous fleet sponsors with the new graphic underwriting opportunities available on the home page.
Here it is, the simple list:
- go online and register
- get your insurance information squared away
- pay your fleet dues
- come to the fleet party, April 28
- Put your boat in the water
- sail fast
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Notes from National Class meeting
Here is a summation of items discussed on National call:
1.) Financials: National Account Balance of 21,585.83 earning 1.5%/yr
* They generate $6K/yr approximately
* Looking for suggestions on how to spend money (currently spend on Masthead, Boat Purchases, Support for Nationals)
* In past some monies used to help with Travel expenses for Nationals
2.) Dues – They want better breakdown of payment boat by boat. Fleet 9 was noted for doing this accurately
3.) Nationals -Mystic has really got a big jump and very organized (see their website)
4.)Fleet Growth – Chicago attends their boat Show to promote Fleet and has a follow up Pizza Party
5.) Tech Committee – Self Rescue Issue rule 6 a. 1 Want to add “Portable hand pumps and other devices/Buckets may be used for self rescue” This is related to the fact that the boat will float when swamped if the tanks are properly sealed.
6.) Jib Apex measurement They want to come up with a template to determine Apex to standardize the measurement Sect 5.8.6. redefine Jib Apex
7.)National Class website has been upgraded. We should encourage all to visit the site
8.) Nationals 2011/2012 options being considered Vineyard, Oyster Bay, and the 50th Anniversary is 2014 (which Newport should try to Host in my opinion)
additional Fleet 9 Comments: regarding the boat show, maybe the fleet should consider a presence at our show, certainly a good way to expose a beautiful boat to a lot of people who may not otherwise see it. new interest in the fleet helps the used boat value and new boat orders.
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Let the Games Begin!!
The 2010 season is officially open. Online registration is up [...]
Notes from National Class meeting
Here is a summation of items discussed on National call: [...]
National Class Meeting
The Shields Class Sailing Association had a Governing Board meeting [...]