Here is a summation of items discussed on National call:
1.) Financials: National Account Balance of 21,585.83 earning 1.5%/yr
* They generate $6K/yr approximately
* Looking for suggestions on how to spend money (currently spend on Masthead, Boat Purchases, Support for Nationals)
* In past some monies used to help with Travel expenses for Nationals

2.) Dues – They want better breakdown of payment boat by boat. Fleet 9 was noted for doing this accurately

3.) Nationals -Mystic has really got a big jump and very organized (see their website)

4.)Fleet Growth – Chicago attends their boat Show to promote Fleet and has a follow up Pizza Party

5.) Tech Committee – Self Rescue Issue rule 6 a. 1 Want to add “Portable hand pumps and other devices/Buckets may be used for self rescue” This is related to the fact that the boat will float when swamped if the tanks are properly sealed.

6.) Jib Apex measurement They want to come up with a template to determine Apex to standardize the measurement Sect 5.8.6. redefine Jib Apex

7.)National Class website has been upgraded. We should encourage all to visit the site

8.) Nationals 2011/2012 options being considered Vineyard, Oyster Bay, and the 50th Anniversary is 2014 (which Newport should try to Host in my opinion)

additional Fleet 9 Comments: regarding the boat show, maybe the fleet should consider a presence at our show, certainly a good way to expose a beautiful boat to a lot of people who may not otherwise see it. new interest in the fleet helps the used boat value and new boat orders.

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