Greetings to all Shields sailors of Fleet 9:
We had a solid season in 2020, recapped it at our annual meeting in December and now most of us have been more or less locked down. Wherever you have fetched up this winter season, we hope you’re all staying healthy as we set our sails into the new year.
In three months, we all hope to all be breathing fresh air outdoors and have our boats uncovered and in various states of prep for the 2021 sailing season. Your fleet officers have all been at work preparing for the upcoming season, and we have big plans to get you up and running long before the boats get splashed.
We are excited to have Dave Perry leading us in a Shields-specific series of Racing Rules Webinars this winter, and that’s just the first of several initiatives detailed below. Buckle your seatbelts, and join us as we line up together again in one of the finest one-design keelboat fleets in the country.
John Burnham
Shields Fleet 9 Captain
Shields Exclusive:
Dave Perry Rules Webinar Series
In cahoots with the Shields National Class Association, we have scheduled a series of three Zoom webinars with Dave Perry to improve our knowledge of rules and tactics, starting Tuesday, February 16th at 7pm and followed by events on March 2nd and April 6th.
There is no charge to you—this is compliments of Shields Fleet 9 and the National Shields Class.
While there is no cost, space is limited, and you MUST sign up in advance.
Register now at this link and include your questions or topic for Dave to address.
Youth Boat Loan Program
Thanks to a generous benefactor, we have the opportunity to develop a boat-loan program for young adults willing to commit to putting a race team together for the season. We are looking for some dedicated fleet members willing to help spearhead this initiative. This may include helping to design the parameters of the program, promote and evaluate applications, and mentor the team.
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Boat Measurement
Looking for a way to maximize performance? Having a visit from our class measurers who will evaluate your set-up is a great way to learn what you can do to set up your boat for success and confirm that your boat meet class rules at the same time.
The class rules were recently revised from require annual measurements to “every other year.” Unfortunately, Fleet 9 hasn’t been keeping up to date, and given that we are hosting the 2022 Shields Nationals, we need to get our act together starting now.
Each boat must be measured over the next two seasons. The process is simple, and it’s a great opportunity to ensure your boat is up to speed. You’ll hear more on this in the coming weeks, but if you’d like to talk with one of our measurers or book a visit, send us an email.
New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta
After such a good 14-boat turnout last fall, New York Yacht Club has invited Shields to sail in its event again this year, at its traditional time, June 11-13, 2021. However, we need confirm interest among at least 8 boats to ensure we get our own class / start.
Whether you plan to race or not, we really need to get a rough boat-count.
2021 Race Schedule
While the schedule isn’t final yet, we hope to officially begin Wednesday night racing on May 19 with a tune-up race/clinic on Weds., May 12.
Our Aloha weekend racing (non-spinnaker) will start on June 26th.
Stay tuned for details and the full schedule as soon as we firm it up.
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