Our #17 crew were psyched for a prefrontal sea breeze that lived up to the forecast and then some.  Only problem we were missing Carroll and Sharon.  So Dirk Kramers, back from 2 years in chase boats following Alinghi and Dave Moffet and I said “they sail with 3 on an Etchells, we’ll be all good”. The line seemed slightly boat favored to us and with the mark up beyond the bridge we were thinking right side.  Dave recalled a similar situation on an Aloha race where Charlie Shoemaker made out in similar conditions. Going to the left for current relief and lots of tacking wasn’t high on our list.  We also saw more breeze on the right. We started at the boat end and tacked early to port for a long leg toward Jamestown.  We started to get some good blasts, which were headers, and once into solid breeze and about a 15 degree knock we tacked and were close to layline.  We just crossed Jeff Gladchun in 108 and looked good with the boats on the left although we were in more current and the left would have some relief under Rose I.  We had two more tacks to clear the bridge tower and were surprised we were doing well with 108 who had 5 crew.  We did have some light spots where we could pull the trav up and power up easing backstay.  We gained slightly on 108 and rounded a few boat lengths ahead.  We had an uneventful run, just trying to stay in clear air.  A pretty big sustained blast came in as we rounded the leeward mark and we were overpowered getting up to speed. Dirk started to complain that he wished he had done more sailing than chasing in the last few years.  We lost a little on 108 who was right on our tail as we cleaned up the mess in the cockpit.  We tacked a little early for the line and we were starting to feel like “Where are those girls when we need them”….we were overpowered and sailing a little high, whilst on our hip, 108 had the bow down and with a bit more weight on the rail, clearly had better VMG….we held on and tacked twice to make the pin end and just nosed out the guys on 108. It always feels good to win on a windy day!  Where’s the cooler?

Phil Garland

Gosling – 17