Race 2-Fall

It sure was nice to see the sun pop through after four days of rain just in time Shields Yachting…  All was looking good to get the scheduled two races in after the drift fest the week before.  We were seeing wind shots ranging from 320-005 degrees with current pushing into the bay.  The “current push” would be the deciding factor aboard 138 on where we would position the boat on the line allowing us to take the fastest route to the first mark. We figured a third up from the pin was the place to be, the line was fairly square but… we wanted to be one of the first boats to reach the center spans, where the current was strongest. Our boat, 74 and 107 all reached this area first and got into “the elevator” rising all of us up to the rest of the fleet, where tacking and crossing the majority became easy enough.  As soon as you could tack you had to pull the trigger because there was about 70% port tack sailing up the beat.  After rounding just behind Super Bill Shore we were able to pull off a nice set, where Bill looked to be having some issues, he gybed to port, as did many of the boats around us.  We thought it was important to stay on starboard, keeping the bow more into the current flow (versus on the beam/port) and get to the relief of Rose Island.  We had to gybe twice on lifts because they were so pronounced, but for the most part we sailed on starboard 75% of the time.  Sure enough when reaching the relief, we began to really punch forward on the fleet and it became quite easy from there.  Nice early dowse by the team (Wendy, Nate Merrill, Mike and David Marshall-pretty much our core team since spring) helped 138 have a sweet rounding and it was a fetch from there.  Race two we would try to duplicate but there was more “right in it” and we got pinballed around the race course-basically we got smoked… Nice job by Bill Shore and Team 74-they seem to be back on track, Jamie Hilton credits it to his 12 Meter collision in Edgartown “clearing his head”, I though he bought new sailing slippers.

-Chuck Allen-138-Envy