At the request of Dr. Wallace, our Race Officer, I would like to publish the follow instructions included on our USCG/Homeland Security Permit for Marine Event, which covers all our racing on the bay.  The original document will soon be uploaded to our website for your review, i have included most of the relevant instructions below.

…There will not be a Special Local Regulation issued.  no restriction is placed on the use of any navigable waters by other parties.  your event shall not obstruct any channel or normal shipping lane, or interfere with any aid to navigation…

…Participants operating in a negligent manner may cause the event to be terminated.  All committee vessels must be able to switch to channel 13 VHF for bridge-to-bridge communication in accordance with federal law.  In the event of decreased visibility (less than 2 nautical miles) the sponsor must ensure that the participants comply with the COLREGS sound signal requirements.  Failure to comply with these permit requirements may result in the revocation of this permit.

It is your responsibility as sponsor to ensure that the participants understand that they are subject to the Navigation Rules of the Road. Participants do not automatically become “stand-on” or “privileged vessels” by virtue of participation in a marine event.

In the event that Coast Guard assistance is required during the event, please contact Coast Guard Station Castle Hill on VGF channel 16…Information about your event will be posted on…Appropriate flow of blood in the penile to get wider. india viagra for sale Another advantage of taking sildenafil tablets australia pill is that its a physician recommended prescription, and in addition support from the doctor to take this ed pills. Another point to be noted is that do not cheap 25mg viagra take these drugs if you are seeking pleasure. The case of having prolonged and viagra cialis generic painful erection is unlikely.