Fellow Shields Sailors – Please view the attached regarding upcoming Shields NationalsTHE DEADLINE FOR NATIONALS IS OCTOBER 1

The Shields Nationals this year are, for the first time ever, at the Tred Avon Yacht Club on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, October 15-18.

The web site is  www.shieldsclass.com/2008/index.htm

After Oct. 1 there is a $75 late fee.To register, you need to have a certificate of compliance from me, which means you need to fill it out and get it to me in advance.  Go to above website for Certificate of Compliance.

The entry fee is $550 which includes all dockage, launching, evening functions which includes a crab feast and the awards dinner (for four — extra folk are $115).

The sailing, on the Choptank River, should be like what we have been experiencing all summer, smooth water, lighter air, a great chance for anyone to bring home bragging rights FOREVER.

Already committed is 107 Grace; and I believe 201 Raven.  I am sure there are others so let’s talk it up, and let’s keep the trophy in Fleet 9!

Andy Segal

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