Hello Fleet 9!

The first Wednesday of the 2012 season was a great one for the crew of Maverick #33.  We were fortunate to have a member of the US Paralympics Sailing Team aboard whose spirit was definitely the boost that helped us.

Once the race course was posted we, like many boats decided that middle to pin end of the line was the best.  Unfortunately we were all a little early.

The second start showed a reset line that favored the boat end but decided to go for the pin again and favor the left side of the course.  We found success in coming off the line at full speed, in phase and in point mode.  As luck would have it, when we needed to tack from Goat Island we were able to cross the bows of the boats that previously to windward of us.

Once we rounded the windward mark our tactics went from winning to defending.  226 and 254 were certainly hunting us down and were doing very well.  We favored the center downwind trying to sail by the lee as much as possible finding good speed.  After rounding the leeward mark we sailed the same way up wind as the first.

Rounding the mark as the fog set in certainly made the next leg of the race fun and interesting.  Historically Maverick loves the fog for it seems to be the only condition we are victorious in.

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Good Luck this season!


The Crew of Maverick #33